Dear Reader:
I have a couple of prayers to share with you, as well as a little Pass-A-Prayer project I'm working on...
First, a belated prayer from November that I hid in a massive array of books at my favorite local coffee shop: The Bagel Stop and Book Nook. My momma and I went to The Bagel Stop for lunch on Veterans Day and I thought it was a good time to share a prayer.
On another note, a sincere thank you to our Veterans for all of their selfless hard work and the sacrifices they make while serving our country. Saying thank you to you really isn't enough, but I truly do appreciate you.
This Thursday I made a little visit to Office Max to purchase some office supplies. This is always a little treat for me because I love, love, love office supply shopping nearly as much as I loved school supply shopping as a kid. Well, maybe I love it more because it gets me out of the office. Oh how I love a brief break from the work day.
Anywho, while shopping I came across a large blank piece of paper in the Tul Pens display just begging to be written on. So I opted to write the simplest of prayers, but I think it's a pertinent wish that you are enjoying a great day. Our days our numbered, so enjoying each day as much as we possibly can is tremendously important. Even in the worst of days, we can find something to be grateful for.
And finally, I created a prayer note card to leave in various locations where people may stumble upon them. On the left is a prayer I wrote, which explains Pass-A-Prayer and what I hope to accomplish when passing prayers. The right side is left blank so that the finder of the note card can pass-a-prayer if he or she chooses (I hope they do).
So I'll keep you posted with this little project and I invite you to join me. If you'd like to have some of these Pass-A-Prayer note cards so that you can share a prayer and leave them in places of your liking, I'd be happy only too happy to mail you a little bundle of them. Just email me ( your address and I'll send them on their merry way to you.
And speaking of merry... Merry Merry Christmas! To those of you who are not Christian, I thoroughly hope you are enjoying your Holiday Season as well! 'Tis the season for family, friends, faith, giving, and gratitude. God's blessings to all.
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